Hearo provides services to physicians including tele-health and continuing education (CFPC Mainpro+ 3 hour credit course).
Dr. Markus Hilbert, Au.D. provides tele-health consultations to you and your patients.
You can access instant professional support to get an answer to a question, instant second opinion, report interpretation, input for triage and referral and interpretation of clinical results for which you may wish to have a second opinion. The first call is free, subsequent calls are billed at $60 per issue even if that means multiple points and methods of contact.
Hybrid: include Dr. Markus Hilbert, Au.D. in a patient consultation at your office. Whether you’re seeing your patient at the office or virtually, Dr. Hilbert, Au.D., can join in with you. Costs remain the same to the Physician who can charge their patient based on their own pricing structure.
Your patients can access tele-health services and get a free consultation to answer questions, get a second opinion, obtain information about tests or treatments or product and virtually anything on their mind. Initial contact is free, subsequent calls are billed at $40 per issue even if that means multiple points and methods of contact. In some cases, such as Tinnitus Retraining Therapy and some hearing aid reprogrammings, clinical services can also be provided remotely.

Get 3 credits for your Mainpro+ requirements for CFPC licensing with the “Hearing Matters to Physicians” continuing ed program.
This will be provided online as live webinar scheduled and on the list of upcoming courses at the Cert+ site; as a self-paced learning course online, and in-person by request.
The course covers hearing, hearing aids, tinnitus, balance, and cognition as well as pathologies of the ear in detail. Resources will be made available for quick reference as well.